Home Fishing The Sicilian marines protest against the EU.

The Sicilian marines protest against the EU.

The Sicilian marines protest against the EU.

Protest demonstrations in Italian ports, sector associations and unions alongside all operators, workers and fishing companies in danger for the new rules from Brussels.

Sit-ins and garrisons in the ports of Mazara, Porticello, Sciacca. The appointment is for Friday 23 June with a series of initiatives promoted by the world of representation of cooperatives, companies and workers Agci Agrital, Confcooperative FedAgriPesca, Legacoop Agroalimentare, Coldiretti Impresapesca, Federpesca, Fai-Cisl, Flai-Cgil and Uila Fishing.

The protest message against the Action Plan of the EU Fisheries Commission which aims to eliminate the already regulated trawling, placing new very heavy limitations based on outdated and accurate scientific data which would undermine the survival of businesses and jobs. And consequently increase imports from countries without our standards in terms of environment, safety and work.

The further restrictions that the EU wants to impose on bottom trawling affect 71% by weight of this production segment, mostly pink shrimp, in addition to red shrimp, red mullet and hake.

The Plan promoted by the Commissioner for Fisheries and the Environment Virginijus Sinkevicius envisages a strong limitation of trawling throughout Europe by 2030 and proposes the creation of additional marine protected areas, without considering the social and economic impact on businesses, workers, territories and relying on scientific data that are not updated and accurate.

In Italy trawling represents 20% of the total fishing fleet with 2088 units, about 7000 workers, 30% of landings and 50% of revenues. A sector that in Europe represents 25% of total landings of fish products and 38% of revenues, with over 7,000 boats.

The aim of the protest is to safeguard a sector that guarantees food safety and a fair, healthy and sustainable supply of fresh fish products with high quality standards, which comply with European traceability and certification rules.

Giovanni Basciano, national vice president of Agrital (Agci Agro Ittico Alimentare) and fishing manager of the General Association of Italian Cooperatives-Agci Sicily: «Trawling in Sicily represents an important component of the entire national fleet, both as regards the offshore segment operating in the Strait of Sicily and in other areas of the Mediterranean, and for the more traditional bottom trawl fishing active in fishing areas not far from the coast. To the thousands of employees involved in the activity of the sector must be added those of naval mechanics, shipbuilding, packaging, logistics, etc.»

«From a production point of view – continues Basciano -, trawlers are the main source of fish supply on our markets. Among the target species of the trawl we mention the pink shrimp and the red shrimp, the red mullet and the hake; in particular, the pink prawn alone accounts for over 40% of the quantities produced and 46% of the relative turnover. The total catches of the indicated species represent 71% by weight of landed in this production segment.

It is therefore understandable why the senseless proposal to close this business worries the sector and must also worry other important sectors of our region, imagine the gastronomic offer of our tourist resorts without our Mediterranean fish anymore. So on Friday 23 June we must make ourselves heard by everyone and in all the Sicilian marineries», concludes Giovanni Basciano, AGCI Sicilia Pesca regional manager.


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